Thursday 30 December 2010

Outdoor Hour # 39

We're finally back with the Outdoor Hour activities. I've missed them and the kids have too so we were happy to get back to the challenges. It's been a long time since our last challenge (you can check them in my old blog here) but I went to Barb's blog and checked out where we had left the challenges. We had talked about trees the last time round and I skipped a few challenges and jumped right into weather. This suits us well at this time of the year as we're in the middle of the rainy season and can get different kids of weather during one day.

We first observed how the weather was like today (cloudy but warm) and then set out for our walk around the block. The kids absolutely wanted to take paper and pens with them and draw things as they saw them, which was fine by me. Here are some pictures of the things that caught our attention.

Once back at home we sat down and cut and glued the drawings in the notebooks. We talked about different kinds of weather and I asked them to draw them in their notebooks.

This was a nice return to the Outdoor Hour activities and we'll be talking about weather the next few days as well. I saw some nice activities that we'll use and I'll post about them soon.

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